Start of new season leagues 23

New Season Kicks off

Leagues start 11th September 2023

Welcome back everyone !

We kick off the season with FREE BOWLING
from Monday 4th to Thursday 8th September
when you and your guests may play FREE OF CHARGE!

This will be a good time to invite someone to try our wonderful game
- remember bowls and shoes can be supplied.

Please try and encourage someone to come along

- the club needs new blood to progress.

The club will open full time 10am - 9pm from Monday 5th September.

Leagues begin on Friday 9th September with the Open Play session in the morning and the Gents League in the evening.  All other leagues start from Monday 12th September.

We ask all existing league sponsors or new sponsors to contact the club
next week to confirm their intentions for the autumn session.

Telephhone 01236 428641 or

This will allow us to produce accurate fixtures for the start of the season.








Morning    - Senior League

Afternoon - Ladies league

Evening    - Outdoor/Indoor Rinks

Morning -  Senior League

Afternoon - Ladies league

Evening - Evening Triples Competition

Morning    -  Senior League

Afternoon - Ladies League

Evening    - Gents League

Morning    - Senior League

Afternoon - Coaching

Evening    - Mixed Pairs League

Morning   -  Open Match Play

Afternoon - Ladies League

Evening    - Gents Rinks League

10am - 4pm - Open to all

12noon - 4pm - Open to all