Quarry Street, Coatbridge, ML5 3PU
Tel: 01236 428641
Membership fees for season 2016/17 remain at £90
It was agreed at the AGM that an early payment discount of £10 should be applied
to anyone paying their fees on or before Friday 23rd September 2016.
This is a one off discount reducing the yearly fee to £.
Please note that the yearly fee covers both the winter and summer leagues
Winter League September - April
Summer League May - August
Introduction of New Members
At the AGM is was also agreed that as an incentive to our members
to introduce friends and family as new members
they would be rewarded with a good will gesture of £20
for each member introduced (limited to 2 members).
You may introduce more than 2 members
but you will only be renumerated for the first two.
Criteria for referring a new member
A current member must have been a fully paid up member in season 2015/16.
They must also have paid their subscription in full for season 2016/17.
All members fulfilling the above criteria can refer up to two new members and receive a payment
of £20 for each referral after the new member has paid their subscription in full.
This offer does not apply to Juvenile or Junior members.
Please note if you would like to donate your £20 payment or part of it
to the club please do so as all donations will be most welcome.
If anyone feels that they are in a position to assist the club by providing
an additional donation it would be very much appreciated.
If anyone would like to advertise their business at the rink ends please contact
the manager for more information.
New members will be made most welcome
Entry forms can be picked up at the club or you can send an
email to and we will send one to you.
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